Estate Planning – Collecting Important Documents

Estate Planning - Collecting Important Documents

Estate Planning – Collecting Important Documents

Important Documents

When we are helping clients with estate planning, one of the first questions we are asked is, “What do I need to keep track of?” Next, they ask, “How do I organize it all?”

After years of helping clients, we have some insight and suggestions.

What are important documents?

Important documents are similar to what is kept in your safety deposit box. But, these documents are generally not hard-to-get originals. The documents contain information that you may need access to easily and quickly. And, you don’t want to have to search for them when you need them in a hurry.

Think insurance documents that contain policy numbers and telephone numbers. For example, insurance for your home, life, vehicles, pets, Medicare, prescription, vision, dental, burial. Also, for your financial accounts. Not only the names of the institutions, but also account numbers, types, and contact information.

Ownership documents for your home, vehicles, antiques.

Contacts for family, friends, medical, professional.

Copies of vital records like your passport, immunizations, birth and marriage documents, military service, education transcripts. And of course, powers of attorney, your will, organ donation, and more.

Plus, if you have a business, documents showing ownership of that business.

Why would I need these documents?

First, knowing all of your important documents are together in one place is smart. It gives you and your loved ones peace of mind knowing you are organized. Second, they can be easily transported together if necessary for an emergency. Third, in case of an emergency, a hospital stay, or an accident, it is hard to remember where to find important documents that may be needed for you, a spouse, a parent, or a loved one. Fourth, you may want to share the location of these documents with the person who has your power of attorney, a child, or caretaker.

Where would I keep all of these things?

Keep your important documents together in one place. And, not a junk drawer. We created the Ultimate Life Binder, which you can get here, to help people organize themselves. The workbook is easy to complete. Some people have taken it apart and created a three-ring binder with the pages of the book and copies of documents and statements.


That is the first advice we give. It is a lot. But, take it slow and methodically collect your important documents using the Ultimate Life Binder.

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